Blessings, I’m Sianna Sherman
My pronouns are she/her. I’m an international yoga teacher, storyteller, speaker, and guide for transformative experiences through yoga, alchemy and collective ritual. I’m the visionary and founder of Rasa Yoga, Mythic Yoga Flow®,
and RITUAL 13-Moon Mystery School.
I have trained tens of thousands of students and teachers for nearly three decades all over the world through teacher training courses, retreats, festivals, workshops, summits, online platforms, and more. Community and Collaboration are key for me, and I believe we are here to lift each other up and rise together.
I offer signature 40-day Transformation Programs for Abundance, Courage, and Purpose. These programs are designed to quantum leap your life and anchor you in daily practice that clears the way and amplifies the gifts you are here to share.
As a practitioner of yoga and shadow work for more than 30 years, I help you to embrace your whole self, face your fears, and transform from the inside out. As a storyteller, I help you connect with the language of your soul. As a priestess, I support your deepest magic to heal and reveal.
Emotional Intelligence is a primary focus in all of my offerings. 8,000 people attended my EMBRACE Summit dedicated to yoga, voice, and emotions. In our digital world, we need to cultivate connection, community, and emotional intelligence more than ever before.
I spent many years as a healer through the modalities of bodywork and wildcrafting herbal medicines with a thriving apothecary of green wisdom magic. Just as the connective tissue of the body is all working together, so too is the earth an interconnected series of ecosystems. We are all connected and my work is dedicated to the vitality and liberation of all beings.
As a student and practitioner, I am dedicated to Tantric yoga philosophy, Celtic studies, social justice advocacy, shadow work, functional anatomy, mudra, mantra, sacred Sanskrit studies, culture-shift for humanity, and unpacking my own white privilege. I love the Earth, forest bathing, dancing, singing, communing with nature, being in rhythm with the moon, celebrating with the wheel of the year, resting under the starry night skies, and listening to songbirds.
My gratitude is boundless for my family, teachers, and relationships. Thank you to my beloved Masood Ali Khan, handpan kirtan artist, and co-creator with me for many programs including our Fearless Heart Activations for courageous conversations in these pivotal times. And thank you to the “3 Little T’s” in my life for endless laughter and inspiration: Tristan, Taj, and Taylor.
I trust in the Great Spirit and know we will find each other along the way to inspire and be inspired, to ignite our magic and make this world a better place, for you, me, and WE.
Blessed Be,
Trainings, Education, and Ongoing Studies
1990 BS degree Biology, University of Cincinnati
1990 BS degree Nutrition, University of Cincinnati
1989 Metaphysical and Yoga Studies
1990 Hatha Yoga with Bob Wolf
1992 Ayurveda Studies with Dr. Vivek Shanbhag
1993 Himalayan Studies Yoga & Ayurveda, India
1993 Siddha Yoga Meditation Intensives in Ganeshpuri, India
1993-1995 Iyengar Yoga 2-Year Apprenticeship with Janet Hochfeld
1994: Himalayan Institute Teacher Training Certification
1994 - 1999 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training with 3HO
1995 - 2012 Anusara Yoga Teacher Training with John Friend
1996 - 1997 Tri Yoga Vinyasa Immersion with Kali Ray
1999 - 2000 Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training with Richard Freeman
1999 - 2012 Rajanaka Tantra Immersions with Dr. Douglas Brooks
2004 - 2021 Vedic and Yogic Studies with Bill Mahony
2005 - 2012 Tantrik Studies with Hareesh Wallis
2008 - 2013 Neelakanta Blue Throat Meditation with Dr. Paul Muller-Ortega
2008 - 2016 Awakening Shakti Immersions and Meditation with Sally Kempton
2014 - 2019 Meditation and Tantra Studies with Swami Chetanananada
2020 - 2021 Mantra, Pronunciation, and Harmonium with Sheela Bringi
2020 - 2021 Primary Teacher Sreedevi Bringi of the Shakti Institute
1979 - 1983 Shitō-ryū Martial Arts
1986 - 1988 Okinawan Karate
1990 - 1991 Tai Chi
1995-1996 Oregon School of Massage
1996 Myofascial Release Studies
1998 Thai Massage Certification Chongkol Setthakorn, ITM, Chiang Mai, Thailand
2014 - 2021 Anatomy Sense with Mike Lane
2014 - 2021 Foundation Training + Certification with Dr. Eric Goodman
1993 - 1995 Dragon Mystery School
1993 - 2021 Celtic Studies
1996 - 1996 Tom Brown Tracker School
2000 - 2005 Martín Prechtel and Flowering Mountain studies
2003 - 2021 Brenda Rose Villa and Beauty of the Tarot
2014 - 2021 Rita Hraiz and Draupadi Gershwitch in Avalon
1993- 1995 Shadow and Jungian Journey work with Lar Banghart
2010 Studies with John Welwood on Spiritual Bypassing
2014 - 2021 Mentorship and Apprenticeship with Robert Augustus Masters
2018 - 2021 Skill in Action teacher training and courses with Michelle C. Johnson
2018 Social Justice 101 with Hala Khouri, Teo Drake, & Tessa Hicks Peterson
2019 - 2020 Race & Resilience with Michelle C. Johnson and Kerri Kelly
2020 Unity Over Comfort with Monique Melton
2020 Check Your Privilege with Myisha T and Constanza Eliana
2020 How to Transform Race with Rev. Angel Kyodo Williams, Lama Rod Owens, Dr. Jasmine Syedullah
2020 The State of the Union (Yoga) Address with Yogi J Miles
2020 - 2021 Decolonization of Yoga with Kallie Schut
2021 The Liberation Experience with Justin Michael Williams and Shelly Tygielski
2021 Race & Equity with Kelly Palmer
2021 Yoga & Activism with Anjali Rao
2021 Gender Inclusion and Conscious Marketing with Tristan Katz
2021 Re-Emergence with Off the Mat, Into the World
Cultural Appropriation Statement
As a white, cisgender, able-bodied person teaching yoga, I must recognize every day that I am part of dominant culture, which means I have proximity to power. As my teacher Michelle C. Johnson states: this is not about personal power, it is about proximity to power - “the ability to define reality for those who have less proximity to power”.
I understand that cultural appropriation is about power - when the dominant group adopts and absorbs the customs, elements, practices, music, and ideas of another culture/ a less dominant group without acknowledgment or in an inappropriate way. I understand this both causes and perpetuates harm.
Intention does not equal impact. In the end, it is the impact that really matters. I commit to centering brave space and amplifying South Asian voices, honoring the ancestors of tradition, and studying with descendants of the yoga tradition. This means I must listen deeply, unpack my biases and conditioning, continually unlearn, and decolonize my mindset.
It is my dedication to honor the roots of yoga, practice with true cultural appreciation, and with a steady remembrance of yoga as a Liberatory pathway for All Beings.
This statement is inspired by my studies on cultural appropriation with Michelle C. Johnson, Kallie Schut, Sreedevi Bringi, Sheela Bringi, Susanna Barkataki, Tejal Patel, Jesal Parikh, Anjali Rao, and Monique Melton.

Indigenous Land Acknowledgment
With deep respect for the Indigenous people - past, present, and future - of the lands where I now live in Los Angeles, CA, I offer this land acknowledgment and pledge my support to Native-led organizations.
I commit to learning, doing better, and becoming a better steward of the Earth. I honor in gratitude the land itself and the people of the Chumash (CHOO-mash), Tongva (TONE-gva), Kizh (Keech) Nation, and Fernandeño Tataviam (Fer-nan-DAY-nyo ta-ta-VEE-am). I understand this is stolen land with forced removal of its people with a terrible history of genocide, enslavement, and forced labor to build CA missions. All of this has a lasting impact on the Native Peoples who still continue to make this world a better place.
For anyone who reads this land acknowledgment, I hope you will pledge your support, research the history of the lands where you live, and donate to Native-led organizations in your area. If you use social media, follow and support Indigenous businesses, educators, and artists.
Here are a few examples:
Follow the #protectthesacred
Follow @IndigenousCultures @MedicineWithinSpirit @Dr.Rosalesmeza
“Remember Our Ways”
remember our ways
the codes of the waters
the connection to the elements
the songs of the earth
the language of the trees
the visions in dreams
the stories we share
the traditions we carry
we are here
I am a Yuxnuc Hummingbird annual member of the Wishtoyo Chumash Foundation.
I wrote this land acknowledgment with the support of Sicangu Lakota Oyate CDC - Community Development Corporation , Gabrieleno-Tongva Indian Tribe Wishtoyo Chumash Foundation and Tristan Katz
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“Sianna’s teachings are so deep, thoughtful and skillful! Every bit of the training is a treasured seed that keeps unfolding and expanding within. I would recommend such training to any yoga student and teacher aiming to immerse into the profound teachings of yoga, from every angle, from the roots,
and from the heart.”
-Sergio Rasman, Rasa 500-hr Graduate